Profiles & Permission Sets are the trickiest metadata types to deploy in Salesforce, we’ll describe how to deploy them using the Metadata API & Change Sets
Metadata API
We’ll use the retrieve method of the metadata API with a package.xml using the Salesforce CLI
Profiles 🎭
Profiles define how users access objects and data, and what they can do within the application
Let’s build the package.xml for retrieving all the profiles
1- Only Profile’s metadata type in Package.xml
Authorize a Sandbox (drop the -r param in order to authorize a production org)
sfdx force:auth:web:login -a sourceOrg -r
Retrieve profiles
sfdx force:mdapi:retrieve -r ./package -u sourceOrg -k ./package.xml
The profiles include only :
- IP Ranges & Login hours
- User Permissions
2- Add relevant metadata types to the package.xml
As stated in the documentation
When you use the retrieve() call to get information about profiles in your organization, the returned .profile files only include security settings for the other metadata types referenced in the retrieve request (except for user permissions, IP address ranges, and login hours, which are always retrieved).
So in order to extract the access to all the items, we will need to include the corresponding metadata types in the package.xml
Here is a table that recap which metadata type to include for each item
We will not use wildcard (*) operator, because that is not always fully supported for each metadata type (please refer to the Metadata API Developer Guide)
Let’s connect your sandbox/production to workbench
Select : info → Metadata Types & Components
Expand the Components and select all the contained api names
Copy that to a modern text editor (Sublime Text/VS Code…)
Use the multi-cursor editing & add the custom objects members to the package.xml and rerun the retrieve
The profiles includes :
- IP Ranges
- User Permissions
- Custom Object Permissions
- Custom Field Permissions
- Tab Visibility Permissions
- Record Types Permissions
- Page Layouts Permissions
in order to add the remaining items (ApexClass, ApexPage, CustomApplication…) follow the same steps using the workbench
Permission Sets 🔓
Permission set is a collection of settings and permissions that give users access to various tools and functions
Using the API version 39.0 and earlier
Using a package XML with an API version 39.0 and earlier
Permission sets includes only
- User permissions
Using the API version 40.0 and later
By using the same package.xml with an API version 40 and later
- Apex classes
- Apps
- Custom field permissions
- Custom object permissions
- Custom tab settings
- External data sources
- Record types
- Visualforce pages
- User Permissions
Change Sets
This table from the Salesforce Help summarize the behavior of the Profiles & Permission Sets when using change sets
Discover my other article about “Salesforce Profiles Deployment” 👇