Introduction to Salesforce Scratch Orgs ☁️⏱️

2 min readOct 23, 2019


Scratch orgs are source-driven, disposable and fully configurable environments.

I’ve been using scratch org for about a year now, I want to highlight some of the useful commands and informations related to it

Configure a default devhub ⚙️

Enable devhub in Setup → Devhub

Authorize the devhub

sfdx force:auth:web:login -d -a DevHub

Configure a scratch org 📄

The definition file is structured in 3 main parts

1️⃣ Edition of the scratch org

Supported features are listed in Scratch Org Definition Configuration Values → Supported Editions

2️⃣ Features to activate

Supported features are listed in Scratch Org Definition Configuration Values → Supported Features

3️⃣ ️Settings to apply

All supported settings in the Metadata API listed in Settings are supported in scratch org

Scratch org definition example file

Creating a scratch org ☁️

Scratch org can be created using the Salesforce CLI

sfdx force:org:create -f project-scratch-def.json -a MyScratchOrgAlias

Creating a scratch org

Scratch orgs can last from 1 to 30 days

Pushing & pulling metadatas 🔄

you can push & pull metadatas to/from a scratch using following commands

⬆️ source:push

⬇️ source:pull

List the diffs using source:status

Push & pull to a scratch org

Note : source:retrieve & source:deploy can also be used to deploy & retrieve from a scratch org

Creating sample datas 💾

Create some sample data in your first scratch org then use

⤵️ data:tree:export

⤴️ data:tree:import

import the exported data when creating the next scratch orgs

Configure users & permission sets 👥

User User 👤 is the default admin user created in a new scratch org

Create more users using user:create

Generate a password to the User User using user:password:generate

Display your user informations using user:display

Assign a permission set to your user using user:permset:assign

Managing Shapes & Snapshots (Pilot) 🧰

Still waiting for a beta of the Shape & Snapshot commands 🤩 that will allow us to create scratch orgs from the configuration of any org





Salesforce Technical Architect 👷‍♂️⚒️💻☁️